The study imitates the effects of the melting of two ice sheets on ocean temperature, its currents, and on air temperature by the year 2100 that people on our planet encounter while maintaining current climate policy.

Implications for ocean currents and water and air temperatures

The research team combined very detailed modeling of the complex climate effects of melting with satellite observations of recent changes in ice sheets. As a result, scientists have created more reliable and accurate predictions of what will happen in the framework of the current climate policy.

In accordance with the current policy of the world government, we are moving to 3 or 4 degrees of warming relative to the pre-industrial level, with the result that a significant amount of melt water from Greenland and the Antarctic ice sheet falls into the oceans of the Earth. According to our models, this meltwater will lead to significant disruptions in ocean currents and further change the level of global warming.

-Associate Professor Nick Golledge from the Antarctic Research Center in New Zealand, who led the study

Where does the air get warmer and where will it get colder?

Modeling the projected changes in water level across the globe suggests that the fastest sea level rise can occur between 2065 and 2075. Melting ice sheets will affect the temperature of the water and the nature of circulation in the world’s oceans, which in turn will affect the air temperature.

The water level will not grow evenly, like in a bathroom. In some parts of the world, such as island nations in the Pacific, there will be a significant increase in sea level, while near ice sheets the sea level will actually fall.

-Professor Natalia Gomez of the Earth and Planet Science Department at McGill University (Canada)

However, the effects of melting ice cover are much more extensive than just changing sea level. As meltwater flows into the oceans, for example, in the northern part of the Atlantic, major ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, will significantly weaken. This will lead to higher air temperatures in the high latitudes of the Arctic, eastern Canada and Central America, as well as lower temperatures in northwestern Europe on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
This should be considered

According to researchers, the current global climate policy, developed in accordance with the Paris Agreement, does not take into account all the effects of melting ice cover that may occur in the future.

Sea level rise from the melting of the ice cover is already occurring and is accelerating from year to year. Our new experiments show that this will continue to some extent, even if the Earth’s climate stabilizes, but if we radically reduce emissions, we will be able to limit future impacts.

How and when climate chaos comes
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