Jason Martell is one of the world’s leading researchers specializing in ancient Sumerian advanced technology. His fifteen-year study is backed by supporting academic and mainstream scientific evidence, primarily from scholar Zecharia Sitchin, as well as Dr. Robert Harrington and other top NASA Scientists.

He has appeared on both the Discovery and History Channels, numerous radio and television talk shows, and is a regular speaker at conferences. As a result of his ongoing research and desire to share his findings he has developed a new service called “Ancient School”. We contacted Jason to take from where we left off in our first interview and explore more about the evidence of ancient advanced visitations to our planet and some of the most convincing evidence there is of their interaction with humanity.

Super Consciousness: In our first interview, we spoke about the Anunnaki and their involvement in the creation of the human species, titled the “Partitioned Human Brain. This time, I would like for us to focus on two other aspects related to the presence of advanced beings that at some point have come to earth. What are some of the most advanced technologies used by these beings and for which there is clear evidence?

JASON MARTELL: Essentially, the best evidence that I have seen for ancient advanced technology is in the form of something called vitrification. Vitrification is seen in stones that have had high amounts of heat applied to them. All around the planet we find, these megalithic sites with a building style that required no mortar. And what they’ve been able to do apparently is take the heart of stones on earth like granites, diorites, and melt them into a lava-like state. They were made in a putty form, which made it very easy to mold and push them together, like the walls we see at Machu Picchu.

There is no explanation as to how they are able to get these stones to fit so perfectly without them superheating the stones until they are at putty-like lava state and then they harden back into stone. In a lot of these sites, what we see is evidence of a glassing effect on the rocks, which is called vitrification. So that really raises the question as to how ancient man could have heated stones like granite and deerite to a lava-like state.

We have the ability today to molten metals and such. But back in 2500 to 4000 B.C., there isn’t any evidence of tools or the ability for them to have been able of producing that level of a heat source.

That’s definitely one of the most interesting pieces because it’s ubiquitous around the planet. We see this same type of evidence at most of the megalithic sites with these tight-fitting stones.

SC: What about electricity? In the temple in Dendera, several dozens of kilometers north of Luxor, some experts found what is called “the light”. Did the ancient Egyptians use electricity?

JM: All over wall reliefs, crypts and hieroglyphics in Egyptian writing, there seems to be a reference to what appears to be an actual power source. It looks like a large vase. This could possibly be some type of ancient battery. And in one area specifically, called Dendera, which is known as the place of the light-giving source, is where they actually studied this knowledge of the light-giving source.

In one of the wall reliefs at Dendera, you can clearly see Egyptians holding up what appears to be a very large light bulb and it’s literally even plugged in to some type of a transistor. So modern Egyptologists look at this depiction and say, “Well, this is just a lotus flower.” And the filament, the glow you see coming out of the beams of the light is just the aroma of the lotus flower. Well, to me, and anyone who I think looks at this image of the Dendera wall relief can clearly see its similarity to a modern-day light bulb.

SC: Was there any other use for electricity other than to create light?

JM: There were two other things that we know for sure that they were using an electrical current for. This was shared with ancient Iraq, as well as in Egyptian times, because in Iraq, we found something similar to a power source. It’s called the Bagdad battery. And so one of the theories is that in ancient times, they were using a low electrical current for two other purposes.

One was to electroplate jewelry, so that you could heat up gold or silver and use it like a fine spray over, like a necklace, if you will, which is pretty interesting in and of itself.

The other idea was, because there were so many competing churches at the time; they wanted you to come into their church. One of the uses of electricity was to create a buildup of static charge inside a statute, so when you would walk into a certain church or a temple, you would stand next to this statue of a god and would notice that it would kind of hum. And if you touched the statue, you would get a zap of static electricity. That made people say “Oh, it’s the power of the god.”

SC: Is there some relationship to what you’re talking about and the Ark of the Covenant? Was it something similar? Or what do you know about the Ark of the Covenant?

JM: Some of the latest research that I’ve been looking into involves the Ark of the Covenant, outside of the traditional Biblical story. It turns out that when we analyze the story of Moses taking the Israelites out of Egypt and the Ten Commandments being written down and stored in an Ark. Well, it turns out that we see a lot of similarities coming out of the Egyptian culture pre-dating this story.

We have the ability today to molten metals and such. But back in 2500 to 4000 B.C., there isn’t any evidence of tools or the ability for them to have been able of producing that level of a heat source.

Let me give you some examples. The whole idea of the Ten Commandments, each one of those commandments already exist in an earlier Egyptian script called either the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Book of the Dead, more specifically. It is a really good source where you see these same types of commandments that existed before the Biblical time in Egypt. Another caveat there is that possibly one of the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt, Akhenaten, was possibly also known as Moses. It’s very possible that Moses was actually an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt named Akhenaten. When he left Egypt and took his people, he also took the Ark with him. Now, I say that because all over Egypt, we have evidence of an Ark. There are depictions and wall reliefs of a large, golden box with a pole on each side, being carried as a sacred device. And coincidentally, the Ark of the Covenant, based on the Biblical dimensions of the box, fits identically inside the King’s chamber of the Great Pyramid.

It’s very possible that the lost Ark of the Covenant is actually a large energy capacitor that powered the ancient Greek Pyramid of Giza. We now have a new context as to why the Pharaoh would have chased Akhenaten or Moses because it wasn’t just his people. He wanted his power source back, the lost Ark of the Covenant.

That’s definitely one of the most interesting pieces because it’s ubiquitous around the planet. We see this same type of evidence at most of the megalithic sites with these tight-fitting stones.

Even as Christopher Dunn stated in his book, “The Giza Power Plant,” there are many different theories that look at the Giza Pyramid, and suggests that it was harnessing some type of large energy, and even possibly distributing it through the world energy grid. Most of the megalithic sites seem to be laid out at certain geodesic points where they have alignments with the other megalithic monuments around the world.

SC: Moving on to another type of knowledge that was potentially left by these ancient beings, can you talk about astronomy and how advanced their astronomical knowledge was?

JM: What’s really interesting about most of the megalithic sites around the world is that we see a commonality across them in that they are aligned to a star constellation. And that alignment repeats over thousands of years. The Giza Pyramid is the perfect example as how it aligns to the Orion Constellation. But that alignment took place in the past at 10500 B.C. So what we’re seeing, is that most of the megalithic monuments all over the planet seem to have a correlation with very accurate astronomical observations of the planets and stars moving and hitting certain points in space.

Most of the ancient cultures seem to have been aware of a much larger cycle of time and used astronomical observations to track this large cycle. We might be familiar with two smaller cycles, but this third cycle is a much harder one to track because it lasts 24,000 years.

It’s very possible that Moses was actually an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt named Akhenaten. When he left Egypt and took his people, he also took the Ark with him. Now, I say that because all over Egypt, we have evidence of an Ark. There are depictions and wall reliefs of a large, golden box with a pole on each side, being carried as a sacred device.

A 24,000-year cycle was talked about and known by all the ancient cultures. And we, today, are just re-learning this information. We have heard of things like the Dark Ages or the Golden Age. Well, this is all part of a cycle that happens here on earth. But time is not a linear progression. It’s cyclical. Even Plato called it the great year. There is a reason why we seem to have a repeating 24,000-year cycle here on earth that does have effects on us, and it’s based on astronomical movements, which we can discuss.

I want to point out one thing for better understanding of what we are talking about. There are a couple of known astronomical cycles that will make sense to anyone, because we experience them all the time. Cycle number one is; we’re orbiting on our axis. Earth is spinning on its axis. And because of this astronomical movement, we have day and night. Cycle number two; we are orbiting the sun. And every time we orbit the sun, seasons change, animals migrate and temperatures change. This, again, is based on an astronomical movement. There is a third larger astronomical movement, which is called the precession of the equinox. Every 2,000 years, a new constellation aligns with our north pole, our view of the sky.

The ancients were very aware of a larger cycle of time and used ancient monuments and very accurate astronomical observations to track where exactly they were in this 24,000-year cycle.

SC: How did they become aware of the whole cycle, the 24,000-years if most of this civilizations existed for only a few thousand years at most, according to our known history?

JM: We really don’t know, but what we can see is that in the most ancient texts coming from the Hindu Mahabharata and dated texts, there are ancient yogis and sages that were aware of this sacred information and have kept it for thousands of years in books like the Mahabharata. It’s called the Yuga Cycle in India. The Greeks, including Plato called it the Great Year. The Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, they called it the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac, which is the breakdown of the heavens into twelve constellations. Like the dial of a grand clock that tells us where we are. Right now, we’re in the Age of Pisces, which is the symbol of a fish and also representing Jesus. Now, in about 150 years, we are going to move out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius. This is just simple observation of what constellations and era we are currently in.

SC: So this whole idea that, we had entered the area of Aquarius is not correct according astronomical observations. We still have 150 years to go?

JM: That’s correct. We’re not quite yet in the Age of Aquarius. We’re still in the Age of Pisces. And this can be observed by looking at the astronomical evidence.

SC: In your Web site, one can find information about an artifact that was found by divers off the coast of Greece. It’s called the Antikythera Mechanism. What is it?

JM: We have several pieces of ancient technology that have surfaced around the planet, and in 1901, some sponge divers off the coast of Antikythera, -which is an island near Greece-, found a device that has been dated to be around 2,000 years old. They simply called it the Antikythera Mechanism. It looks like some type of ancient computer. It’s 2,000 years old and under radar, they have seen internally that it has somewhere between 35 to 70 little cogs and wheels all intricately connected. And they theorized the Antikythera Mechanism was used for two purposes. One was as an astronomical device. So someone like a ship captain could use the Antikythera Mechanism to plot his way through the ocean by tuning it to a certain star or constellation.The other way, was as an astrological device so that they could tell you, by looking at it, if you were born on March 3rd, then your planet sign is such-and-such, then these certain things are going to happen to you in your lifetime based on these alignments of the planets. So it was a pretty interesting device that was very complicated, comparable to a modern-day Swiss watch, but 2,000 years old.

SC: In regards to the Anunnaki and based on what you know about them, is there a predicted timeframe for when they might return?

JM: Answering the question of when the Anunnaki will return is rather complicated simply because what we see all-around the world, is that ancient man lived at a time when they interacted with their living gods. We no longer live in that epoch of time. The ancient gods that were visiting the Sumerians, the Egyptians and the Mayans, they don’t seem to be around anymore.

The ancients were very aware of a larger cycle of time and used ancient monuments and very accurate astronomical observations to track where exactly they were in this 24,000-year cycle.

I think there’s a little bit more of a complicated answer as to why we’re not seeing open visitation by the ancient gods. And the only thing I can think of is that Earth appears to be on quarantine. If there is a galactic federation of planets, other advanced cultures that exist within the universe, they look at us, and we’re not even a type one civilization, based on Michio Kaku’s civilization hierarchy. We are still burning fossil fuels, killing each other, and having differences amongst our races. So I don’t think extraterrestrials are quite ready to dive back and interact with us openly. But that’s not to say that we are not slowly being pushed in the right direction, through our media and the advances in science, to come to the realization that we do have an effect on the universe. But we need to play the game fairly by not introducing war and nuclear weapons beyond just earth and into space.

SC: The TV show that you are a part of, Ancient Aliens, -which I think is wonderful-, and has made a huge effort in raising the awareness about the existence of this evidence we have just talked about. From your experience what kind of impact are these shows having on people, do you perceive a change? Are people becoming more aware of all this information?

JM: People, all the time, find the ancient astronaut theory interesting, but they have a hard time re-communicating the facts and evidence to someone else. They find interest in the story but difficulty in explaining it thoroughly to someone else. So thankfully, the show like “Ancient Aliens” kind of opens up a mutual ground of discussion between believers and skeptics to now have evidence put forth that can at least provide an open debate over the topics.

What we are seeing is that most people agree that as our sciences are advancing, our ability to look into space and understand how the concepts of life started here on earth, more and more evidence is pointing to the fact that the solar system is rich with life. And that all the evidence to suggest we have been visited in the past by intelligent beings is more and more coming to light.

SC: You have developed a new service called “Ancient School”, can you tell us what this is?

JM: Many people ask me where they can hear more about these topics like the ancient astronaut theory and possibly explore them on their own time. People struggle with being able to communicate these topics to other people without having the ability to research the information on their own. So I launched a service recently called, Ancient School, where people can get expert lessons from top people in the field delivered directly to their inbox each week. I actually have a bonus for your readers, if people go to ancientbonus.com, they can get a free video lesson from Ancient School as well as download a copy of my book, “Ancient Alien Artifacts”.

When you become a member of Ancient School, each week, you will be e-mailed a video lesson, a link to your video lesson, that’s taught by a top expert within the ancient astronaut field. So just by simply becoming a member, you will have a video lesson delivered directly to you each week. And once a month, you’ll have the ability to join a live video chat with a top expert and ask your questions directly.

The post Ancient Technologies and Ancient School appeared first on Superconsciousness.