If you are traveling in outer space, you should keep as far as possible from supermassive black holes. These terrible monsters absorb everything that is approaching the critically dangerous distance. But is there a threat from small black holes?

Well, a supermassive black hole will easily swallow the sun and larger stars. But let’s talk about a theoretical black hole with coin parameters. How dangerous is it for the earth? And what will happen if such an object is next to us or on the planet itself (all of a sudden, scientists will create something similar under laboratory conditions)? Black holes are incredibly dense objects. It is not a void, but a huge mass of mass. To create such a formation, you need to collect in one place a large volume of particles and squeeze it into a tiny space. In theory, you can create a black hole even from Mount Everest. It is only necessary to destroy and compress all its particles to the size of several atoms. Surprisingly, even such a black hole seems dangerous, because its gravitational attraction will be equated to the level of gravity on the earth’s surface.

Then what to expect from the black hole parameters with a coin? Well, it depends on which parameters you are talking about: width or massiveness. Then it is worth considering two scenarios.

Coin diameter black hole

It seems incredibly small and harmless. However, a similar volume of massiveness will be equated to the earth. But the gravitational pull will be a billion billion times greater than that of Earth. What then will be with our planet if it appears nearby? Well, we will not fall into a black hole right away. Our planet will begin to rotate around, and the pieces of the Earth will gradually come off and be absorbed by the black hole with each passage. It is the earth’s rotation that slows the absorption process. As a result, the Earth will burst and form a red-hot accretion disk around the black hole event horizon. By that moment, the black hole should already double its massiveness. By the way, the Moon will survive under such a scenario, but its orbit will become more elliptical. So in case of danger it would be wise to place a colony on the earth satellite. It turns out that such a tiny black hole will gradually destroy the whole planet.

Coin mass black hole

Suppose that 5 grams of mass suddenly created a black hole. Well, that would be an incredibly tiny object. Much less than the parameters of the atom. It’s like comparing the size of an atom and the Sun (so black hole will seem negligible). Still, this baby is able to horrify us. The smaller the black hole, the more Hawking emissions it produces. According to Stephen Hawking’s theory, black holes evaporate, spewing particles back into space. Since we have a baby in front of us, such a black hole will rapidly evaporate. The process will take just a split second. You would not even notice the existence of such a black hole, if not for one but. Its massiveness of 5 grams is converted to 450 terajoules of energy, which will lead to a powerful explosion. Just imagine that you happened to blow up 100,000 tons of TNT. Such an explosion does not completely destroy the Earth, but fairly mocked the planet. Some fear that scientists at CERN are capable of creating a tiny black hole in the laboratory. There are also conspiracy theories that claim that the Large Hadron Collider was created for this purpose.

But researchers believe that we do not yet have such technologies capable of compressing the mass to such tiny sizes. However, one day we still reach this level of development. But it would be better for us not to mess with black holes, because even in such a tiny state they do not seem harmless to us at all.

What would happen if a small black hole appear near the Earth?
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