A team of experts in the field of the search for meteorites, on October 3, 2018, discovered in Department A the most massive meteorite in French history, weighing 477 kilograms. It, according to scientists, is a fragment of at least a 7-ton asteroid that hit the Earth about 55 thousand years ago.

This octahedron has beautiful patterns, very characteristic of metallic meteorites. A preliminary analysis showed that it is 11 percent nickel with small patches of cobalt and phosphorus.
-Emmanuel Dransart, an expert on meteorites and a member of the search group

Using an experimental detector, the team identified 123 meteorite impact points on an area of ​​1,100 by 900 meters, which are most likely the result of a giant asteroid explosion in the Earth’s atmosphere. The first fragment of this guest from space was discovered in 1968.

477 kilogram meteorite under microscope

Scientists note that data on laboratory studies of the sample found will be published soon.

Largest meteorite discovered, in the history of France, weighing nearly half a ton
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