Scientists from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, may have resolved one of the most important problems of modern physics, presenting a new work in which dark matter and dark energy are considered together as a single phenomenon: a fluid medium with a negative mass. If you push a particle with a negative mass away from you, then it gets accelerated in your direction. This amazing new hypothesis may also help confirm the predictions made by Albert Einstein 100 years ago.

One of the most common models currently in the Universe is called the LambdaCDM model – and it does not tell us anything about what dark matter and dark energy are from a physics point of view. We learn about the existence of these substances only by the gravitational effects that are observed in their interaction with ordinary matter.

The new model, created by scientists led by Dr. Jamie Farnes (Jamie Farnes) from the University of Oxford, offers an alternative explanation for the universe, according to which both dark matter and dark energy, are a single substance, characterized by negative mass, or repel all particles surrounding the clot of such a substance. And although the nature of such matter is very unusual for us, however, the assumption of its existence eliminates the problem of asymmetry of the Universe with respect to positive and negative values ​​of properties.

A new hypothesis explains the missing 95 percent of the matter of the universe
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