Living efficiently does not have to mean giving up style and beauty. Space saving furnishings, designed by some of Europe’s finest interior specialists, have become all the rage. One particularly innovative line, now available through Resource Furniture in Manhattan and simply referred to as Space Savors, is as beautiful as it is ingenious. Featuring over three-dozen distinct multi-function pieces, each one easily transforms into numerous presentations in a matter of seconds.

Made in Italy, these space saving systems, whether the design is a small coffee table that effortlessly expands into a full-sized dinner table, or a beautiful wall that spins 180º then gracefully unfolds into a queen-sized bed, the line has demonstrated the uncanny ability of completely exceeding people’s expectations. Invisible hydraulic mechanisms allow each piece to flow seamlessly from one position to another in only seconds, even those weighing in excess of 400 pounds.

SuperConsciousness has found these smart, well-engineered designs to be not only an exceptional value, but beautiful to behold.


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