In 1995, the United States Government declassified documents which revealed the existence of a Controlled Remote Viewing Unit working under U.S. Intelligence and Security Command to gather intelligence about foreign leaders and governments. Lyn Buchanan worked in the unit as a Remote Viewer, Database Manager, Property Book Officer and as the unit’s Trainer. Since then, he has established his own company, Problems->Solutions->Innovations, which trains others in the practice of remote viewing.

SC: You’ve said that moving around in time is not only the simplest thing for the subconscious to do, it is also the most natural. Can you explain a bit more of what you mean by that?

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LB: The subconscious mind naturally relives experiences from its past and pre-lives in the future. Time is never a factor during our dreams, daydreams, or imagination. When a person starts learning Controlled Remote Viewing, we have found that they almost always describe the feedback picture they will be seeing right after their session.

Just about everything you learned in school about time can be pretty well tossed into the trash.

For example, let’s say that you seal a picture of a winter scene at Yellowstone National Park into the feedback envelope. Then, during the middle of the summer, you take the sealed envelope and tell the viewer, “Describe the target as it is at the present.” After the session, you are going to take out the picture and show it to the viewer for feedback. A beginning viewer, in his session, will tend to describe the park as “cold,” “snow covered,” and so on. He will not tend to describe the actual target as it is at present, but will describe, instead, the picture he will see five or so minutes into his future. This is a really neat phenomenon and a great reward for the viewer.

But in the real world, customers won’t always provide feedback. If all a viewer can view is his feedback, and the feedback isn’t going to come, then the viewer either will not be able to get any information, or will simply create a session with a lot of garbage. The implications of this phenomenon, however, are actually quite surprising. The fact that a person finds it easier to mentally move through time than to move through space has been quite an eye-opener for many people.

SC: You’ve been involved in some memorable cases while working for the U.S. Government over the years. Which made the biggest impression on you and why?

LB: There were so many that it would be hard to decide, if it were not for two which made the most profound impressions on me. The first was one in which some researcher wanted to know what was going on inside a “death ray” being developed in another country. Of course, there was no physical access to the place, nor was any information forthcoming, because the other country had classified the project. Even if they could have access to it, any instruments put into the beam would disintegrate long before getting any readings. So, someone came up with the brilliant idea of putting a remote viewer into the beam, and seeing what would happen then. None of the other remote viewers wanted to do the session, but I thought it would be very neat and unusual, so I volunteered. Having located the target in the session, I stepped into the “death ray.” It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, and thinking back on it, probably one of the dumbest things I had ever done. But the experience was one which changed my whole understanding of time, space, the material and nonmaterial world. Time, itself, was totally chaotic within the beam. I was able to see myself at a thousand different times in my own past and present. The beam itself was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, as rainbows of sub-atomic matter raced by me at chaotically different and constantly changing speeds throughout the beam. After the session, I turned in my report, and it evidently answered the customer’s question. But for me, it was one of the most beautiful and memorable experiences I had ever had, and I had gained a new understanding of the very thread of existence in the process.

The experience was one which changed my whole understanding of time, space, the material and nonmaterial world. Time, itself, was totally chaotic within the beam. I was able to see myself at a thousand different times in my own past and present.

The second happened some years later. I had been tasked with mentally accessing, profiling, and getting the “plans and intentions” of government and military leaders around the world – some of them demented, some megalomaniacs, such as Saddaam Hussein, and others of that type. The constant barrage of such targets was tearing me apart emotionally, so I went to my commander and asked to get a break from that kind of work. I was told, “You’re a soldier! Suck it up and do your job! Now, get out of my office!” The following week, I got a tasking to do a personality assessment of a target person.

As soon as I mentally accessed this person, I told my monitor, “Whatever evil you think this guy did, he didn’t do it! He’s not guilty of anything!” We continued with the session, and throughout it, an inner glow grew within me, just to mentally be in touch with such a person on such a deep and intimate level. At the end of the session, my summary was simply, “Whatever evil you think this person did – he didn’t. He’s innocent.” The monitor opened the envelope and took out the targeting sheet. Instead of the regular governmental targeting, my commander had simply provided a sheet of paper with the handwritten word, “Jesus.” Some time later, one of the other viewers came up to me and asked, “You got in direct mental contact with Jesus? What did he say? What did he tell you?” I replied that, when I was in that contact, he had not really had to say anything. I was acutely aware of all my faults and all my failures. What I had learned from him was that he didn’t really care about all those things. He accepted me, just as I was. I’ve heard that a true friend is defined as someone who knows you for what you really are, and likes you anyway. I found that person in that session, and it became a turning point in my life in many ways.

SC: When you were training local police on tips for how to deal with psychics, you told them to always ask their questions in the present tense. Can you explain why that’s important in the process of remote viewing?

LB: It involves an understanding of how the conscious and subconscious minds work, and how they work best together. There is a pattern which is called “A well-formed question to a psychic.” This pattern has you give the subconscious mind a task, and then, in order to keep the conscious mind from messing things up with logic, imagination, etc., you give it a job to do, right then and there, in present tense. This pattern works well for all psychics.

For example, let’s say that you go to, say, “Madame Zoltar” and ask her, “What happened to my Aunt Maude eight years ago (past tense)?” Madame Zoltar will do her session and will respond with her normal amount of information, and her normal amount of accuracy. But, if you ask it according to the pattern, you will start off with a task for the subconscious mind, such as, “Please move back in time to eight years ago.” The subconscious mind has no problem at all moving around in time, and is glad to oblige.

But then, you immediately give Madame Zoltar’s conscious mind a job to be done in present tense and continue by asking, “Now, tell me what is going on with my Aunt Maude (present tense).” Without ever realizing that you have just manipulated her work, Madame Zoltar will perform her session, same as before, but this time will come up with more information, and it will be more accurate.

The fact that a person finds it easier to mentally move through time than to move through space has been quite an eye-opener for many people.

SC: For people who are not interested in working with their respective governments or assisting the police in finding missing persons, what are the practical applications of remote viewing?

LB: Now that the science of Controlled Remote Viewing is out of military hands, many civilian uses are being found for it, such as applications in archeology, business, medical diagnostics, scientific R&D, and even in professional gambling and stock market work. We have worked projects for treasure hunters, business investors, historical novelists and historians, moon-and-space-exploration corporations, and others in other fields, as well. It has also been used successfully for oil and gas exploration.

SC: Based on your experience as a remote viewer, what conclusions have you come to about the nature of time?

LB: Just about everything you learned in school about time can be pretty well tossed into the trash. The scientist thinks that time is linear, and moving in one direction at a constant rate. The “New Ager” tends to think that there is no such thing as time, or that time is only a mental construct. The fictional super-hero, Buckeroo Bonzai defined time as “nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once.”

Of all those, the scientific view is closest to being accurate, but still misses the mark. Time is linear. For every cause there is a reaction, and for every reaction, there is a cause. Between the two is an amount of change which spans time. But time can go at varying speeds. The mathematical proof was done by Albert Einstein, and has been confirmed by science in the last few decades.

Time can also go in various directions. It can travel “backwards” in relation to our path through it. In such a case, the effect can often be felt long before the cause takes place. We may not be predicting the future, as much as simply being open to the shock waves moving backwards in time from it. Quantum physics is now able to show that you can split an atom and send the halves in different directions, away from each other. But, an effect on one half can show up as an effect on the other, at the same instant, even though it is now far distant from its other half.

Another interpretation of this is that the two halves moved apart in time “sideways” to our path in time. Although there is time between the two halves, we are coming at their time path from the side, and see both as happening at once. Picture, for example, a wall which was constructed starting at one end and finished at the other end months later. We drive straight towards it on our personal path, and as we pass through its gate, we see ourselves passing through the whole thing at a single instant of our time.

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