In 2011, using the transit method, the Kepler mission found a planet around the star KOI-3010. This world seems especially attractive to researchers because of characteristics resembling earthly ones.

The red dwarf KOI-3010 is 1213 light-years distant from us and is in the constellation Lyra. This is an old star, whose age is able to reach 13.9 billion years. The planet KOI-3010.01 (or KOI-3010 b) belongs to the category of warm super earths (it is more than Earth on a mass, but it is much inferior to gas giants). On one orbit around the star spends about 60 Earth days.

Conditions on the planet have the origin and development of life. Its average temperature reaches 19.6 ° С. The radius exceeds the earth in 1.35 times. They know little about the composition of the atmosphere, but it exists (there is an assumption that it is almost identical to the earth). The mass index is also yet to be clarified.

Researchers believe that on exoplanet KOI-3010.01 we will find not only a temperate climate of the Earth, but also a liquid ocean, capable of covering about 65% of the surface.

It is believed that the chemical composition of exoplanet almost completely converges with the earth. It is important to note that it is located in the habitable zone, and its index of similarity to the Earth is 0.84 (maximum – 1). Therefore, researchers are convinced that she has high chances of having a life.

Exoplanet KOI-3010.01 is considered habitable with a probability of 84%
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