The bombardment of the Earth by cosmic radiation generated by a supernova explosion provoked a huge amount of lightning and extensive forest fires across the planet, thereby triggering a chain of events that may have caused the ancestors of modern people to “stand up” and start walking vertically, which eventually led to the emergence of a skilled man.

It is believed that hominins have already tended to walk on two legs before these events, which began 8 million years ago with a peak of 2.6 million years ago. However, they were mostly adapted for climbing trees. After turning lush forests into savannahs, they had to move from one tree to another more often, so it became more convenient to walk straight. This allowed our ancestors to rise above small vegetation and notice predators. As a result, this method of movement became dominant.

-Adrian Melotte, lead author of a study from the University of Kansas (USA)

Based on the “control” layer of iron deposits 60 that line the seabed, astronomers have highly reliable evidence of explosions of stars that occurred in the past in close proximity to the Earth (from 320 to 160 light years) during the transition from the Pliocene epoch to the ice age.

We calculated the degree of ionization of the atmosphere by cosmic rays, which emanated from a supernova 2.6 million years ago, located at a distance predicted from iron deposits of 60. It seems that it was the closest explosion of the entire series. We claim that it led to an increase in the ionization of the lower atmosphere 50 times. Usually such a threshold is not reached, and the rays do not penetrate so deeply, however, those that have high energy can reach the surface of the Earth, knocking out many electrons. All this could lead to an increase in the number of lightning strikes.

-Adrian Melott

The likelihood that this cascade of lightning caused a worldwide surge in forest fires is confirmed by the discovery of carbon deposits in soils whose age corresponds to the time of the cosmic ray bombardment.

According to our observations, a few million years ago the world has become much more coal and soot, while no one can explain why this happened all over the world in different climatic zones. We believe that this is a consequence of the increase in fires that led to the transition from forests to savannas in many regions of the planet. As a result, where previously there was dense vegetation, there appeared mostly open pastures with shrubs. It is believed that human evolution in Northeast Africa is associated with these events. In particular, in the Great Rift Valley, where hominin fossils are located.

-Adrian Melott

Scientists note that in the foreseeable future, such events should not be feared. The closest star to explode over the next million years is Betelgeuse, about 650 light years away from Earth.

Betelgeuse is too far to have an equally strong effect. So do not worry about it. Better to think of solar flares that are a danger to our technology. Imagine months without electricity.

-Adrian Melotte

The ancestors of the people stood up to their feet thanks to the explosion of the star
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