Despite showing its age, John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids continues to be a consuming post-apocalyptic tale. A hit since its 1951 publication, I first read John...
According to a study conducted by the petrologists of Rice University (USA), the Earth received most of its carbon, nitrogen and other vital volatile elements as a result of a...
Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), astronomers took a snapshot of a shell of glowing ionized gas, the last breath of a dying...
In a new study, a group of astronomers proposes a new way to determine the rate of expansion of our Universe – measuring the Hubble constant – which is based on an...
Using a telescope system called the Mobile Astronomical System of Telescope-Robots (MASTER), an international team of astronomers discovered a new eclipsing cataclysmic...
Cherry Healey met with a scientist who taught her how to make a superior cup of tea. tl;dr: Don’t use a styrofoam mug (it absorbs flavor), do use a red mug (it tricks...
Ben Beck has relaunched his 30+ year-old AnarchySF site, with new contributions from Eden Kupermintz and Yanai Sened; it’s billed as “an open-source repository of...
The inclusion of the ALMA array in a global network of radio telescopes located on different continents, allowed astronomers for the first time to look behind the curtain of a...
The speed of light, which is about 300 thousand kilometers per second in a vacuum, is the maximum with which a material object can move through space. Undoubtedly, this is...
My grandfather died last night. I haven’t cried and I don’t think I will. But it’s certainly given me time to reflect. Grief doesn’t have a timeline Doesn’t fit a mould and...