Planetary Influence
Asteroid 66391 1999 KW4
Asteroid 66391 1999 KW4, first observed on May 29, 1998 with the Whipple Observatory telescope (Arizona, USA), a year before receiving the official designation and cataloging,...

How The Power Of Thought Helped This Man's Healing Journey
This is the key to beginning your healing today.

Here's your chance to buy the Kindle edition of Dan Simmon's essential science fiction novel Hyperion
Described by Booklist as an “essential part of any science fiction collection,” Dan Simmon’s Hyperion is on sale at a very low price in the Kindle edition on Amazon today....

Hubble’s law and expansion constant
Edwin Hubble is an astronomer after whom the space telescope was named after him. It is to the scientist that primacy is attributed to the appearance of the known Hubbles’s...

Dark matter detector XENON
With XENON elusive particles of dark matter can be recorded. The world’s most sensitive dark matter detector is located at a depth of 1400 meters under a mountain range in the...

Disk galaxies
Disk galaxies, such as the Milky Way, are characterized by a flattened disk of stars and gas (often with a central convexity of the material), a wide range of masses, spatial...

Library loans taxidermy animals for science, education, and Harry Potter parties
In Anchorage, Alaska anyone with a public library card can visit the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services library and check out a taxidermy ring-necked pheasant,...