Planetary Influence
Mind power – The Key to all answers
It is incredible how the power of our mind can influence our whole life. It is said that we are what we think about and how we do it. Scientists say that whatever we desire,...
It is incredible how the power of our mind can influence our whole life. It is said that we are what we think about and how we do it. Scientists say that whatever we desire,...
Admit it, you’re a voyeur and you know it. Living the #FOMOlife ain’t easy, but with the FOMO app, now it can be! Scroll through all the contrived crap people post about their...
“A healer is someone that triggers healing powers within you” ― Thabiso Monkoe Several years ago, I began practicing yoga at a local gym. I was a busy woman, juggling a...
Unless we have become some great consciousness masters and have reached the ultimate state of enlightenment, it is most likely the majority of our thoughts and decisions will...
I admit that I read more self-help than the average person, yet It seems like in the past couple of years, the notion of the “true self” is being referred to more frequently....
By combining data from ground-based telescopes and images of the Hubble space telescope, astronomers were able to detect and capture a rare phenomenon — the self-destruction...
The word nebula itself comes from the Latin word nebula, which means cloud. In fact, it is a dust and gas cloud that provides ideal conditions for star birth or death. These...
Back over 3,000 years, ancient Indian scriptures known as Vedas have given a detailed understanding of meditation activities. In spite of technological advancements and other...
I write this on one of the holiest days of the year: Opening Day. And it occurs during the annual Rite of Spring known as March Madness. For spiritual spectating adepts it’s...