Reclaiming the Self: Does the ‘self’ exist? Of course it does!
Can a Ghost prove its own non-existence? If there is one concept, which has been under constant attack by psychologists and philosophers over the last few decades, it is the...
Can a Ghost prove its own non-existence? If there is one concept, which has been under constant attack by psychologists and philosophers over the last few decades, it is the...
*NOTE check out his 2nd to last version, and add some detail back in. Mindfulness is the process of bringing one’s attention to experiences in the present moment. When we...
Radicalized is my next science fiction book, out on March 18 from Tor Books: it contains four novellas about the hope and misery of our moment, from refugees resisting life in...
It’s time to take another look at ourselves — to re-enliven our sense of what it is to be human, to breathe new life into ancient intuitions of who we are, and to learn again...
Ghosts Beyond ghost stories, have you ever really thought about ghosts? I think they are poorly understood because too much fantasy mixed with imagination is cooked into an...
You can draw your destiny line, the line of your life, with parallels above and below it of different options from your youth to your puberty to your young adulthood,...
I surprise myself every now and then. The things I have attracted in to my life are wonderful. Yet, I chose a rebirth in a country hostile to my nature. They called me Hindu....
Remote Viewing is the ability to perceive information nonlocally, or, from great distances, outside of what are considered normally accessible by the five senses. The term was...
What if a new technology designed for lighting a room, that required no electricity, were to become available? Would you be interested in becoming an early adopter?...