Planetary Influence
You are an artist – if you believe it or not!
Investigating art as a spiritual practice with Erika Rose Santaro, who is a multidimensional artist, Kundalini Yoga teacher and who was Alicia Keys’ business partner for 18...
Investigating art as a spiritual practice with Erika Rose Santaro, who is a multidimensional artist, Kundalini Yoga teacher and who was Alicia Keys’ business partner for 18...
Motherhood catapulted me into my spiritual awakening journey… no warning, no signs… nothing and it’s been quite the journey … navigating through this space of self healing,...
There are some days where I really just don’t want to adult. Sometimes the seemingly endless battle towards emotional, mental and spiritual mastery just seems exhausting. It...
A woman who travels is not just any kind of woman. She travels because her soul yearns for her to explore—she needs to travel. She doesn’t just travel for the beautiful...
Whether getting together with friends and family, watching a comedian on television, or visiting the poo-flinging monkeys at the zoo—if it makes you laugh, you should do more...
Ask almost anyone, “How are you?” and they’ll answer “Busy!!!” They say this with a curious mixture of despair and pride. They’re clearly overwhelmed—and not loving it—but...
The study, shows that the gaseous atmosphere enveloping the Earth reaches 630 thousand kilometers, which is 50 times larger than the diameter of our planet. The moon flies...
Hint: It has nothing to do with a toned bod.