Officially opened a new Neptune’s moon – Hippocamp
Using Hubble and new imaging technology, astronomers were able to confirm the existence of the fourteenth and the smallest of the Neptune moons. The object, first seen in...
Using Hubble and new imaging technology, astronomers were able to confirm the existence of the fourteenth and the smallest of the Neptune moons. The object, first seen in...
Several years ago, I was at a party in a neighbourhood I had recently moved to and I must have been enjoying myself because I was uncharacteristically unguarded in that one...
10 Benefits of Entering Trance States As yogis, we share a passion for observing the contents of our consciousness. From this examination comes the pivotal question: Who is...
Since ancient times gemstones played their role in both myths and legends. Some of them tell a story, some of them are gifts from gods while some have amazing healing powers....
Investigating art as a spiritual practice with Erika Rose Santaro, who is a multidimensional artist, Kundalini Yoga teacher and who was Alicia Keys’ business partner for 18...
In the framework of the project – Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, in search of still unknown worlds in the outer borders of the Solar System, amateur astronomers discovered the...
In my darkest hour, I reached out for help and was introduced to some people who had started to live a spiritual way of life. I write this in the hopes that if you’re looking...
To see their names drove a spike through my heart….. I cried some, trying to hold back all the pain, there’s a wall of it…. Is this how I go about healing all those deep...
In December 2018, Comet 46P/Wirtanen passed at a distance of 11.6 million kilometers from Earth. This convergence allowed astronomers to observe the ice guest in detail, which...